Beki jatuh dari ketinggian 3 meter. Katanya jalan sambil tidur. Alhasil, Beki harus jalani terapi selama 3 bulan. . ouw.. noooo... cepat sembuh mbak! Gangsters pasti kangen sama kamu!
Gang Festival pergi ke Bundanon untuk residensi. ini rumah kami, musicians cottage, dengan Deutsche Wagen nya.. kata Djuadi, "kita seperti orang kaya ya. Rumahnya bagus, mobilnya bagus". Djuadi benar, kita memang kaya.. kita kaya karena teman memperkaya kita.. Kita kaya TEMAN!!
Gang Festival and creative exchange is an artist-led initiative celebrating the deep links between Indonesian and Australian community arts. Gang Festival takes as its theme the Indonesian word for alleyway. It straddles a dual reference to small roads and particular social groupings; it refers to the space betwixt and between more permanent and conventional roads and roles. In Indonesian communities, ‘gang’, forms a critical artery in Kampung culture, where local trade and communities thrive in close proximity to one another. Gangs also evoke images of crevices, margins, and a rich density of peripheral culture. We also draw from the English meaning of the word to describe an exciting cross-cultural collaboration between a large number of art workers who situate their work on the margins of commercial art practice in Australia and Indonesia.
Entering its second cycle, Gang has designed a series of events and creative opportunities over the period from November 2007 to May 2008 to continue our community cultural development and extend the arts network of our city.